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In Situ and Laboratory Experiments on Electoral Law Reform : French Presidential Elections
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9781441975393 Year: 2011 Publisher: New York NY Springer New York

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In the modern era, representation is the hallmark of democracy, and electoral rules structure how representation works and how effectively governments perform. Moreover, of the key structural variables in constitutional design, it is the choice of electoral system that is usually the most open to change. There are three distinctive approaches to electoral system research. One, associated largely with economics, involves the study of electoral system effects through the deductive method, using mathematical tools to derive theorems about the properties of voting methods and behaviors. A second, associated largely with political science, has a primarily empirical focus, and looks in depth at how electoral rules impact on political outcomes, through large cross-sectional or case studies. A third, and more recent tradition, inspired largely by work in experimental economics, involves experimentation, either in the form of controlled laboratory experiments or in the form of in situ field studies. This volume employs the third approach to report on experiments that look at alternatives to the present two round (majority runoff) system used for the election of French presidents. This system is of considerable importance not just because of its use in France but also because of its wide adoption in presidential elections in new democracies, such as Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Russia and Ukraine. The editors have assembled the top experimental economists and political scientists specializing in French politics to provide in-depth analysis of the double ballot electoral system, and, more broadly, of the effect of electoral rules on the number of candidates, voter strategies, and ideological choice. Ultimately, the editors and contributors argue that experimental methods have great potential to inform our understanding of institutional mechanisms in the context of voting behavior.

La nouvelle cranioacupuncture de Yamamoto (YNSA)
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782817802145 Year: 2011 Publisher: Paris Springer Paris Imprint Springer

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Le docteur Toshikatsu Yamamoto, médecin japonais, découvrit dans les années 1970 une nouvelle somatotopie au niveau du crâne, jusque là inconnue. Il l'appela YNSA (Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture) afin qu'elle ne soit pas confondue avec la cranioacupuncture chinoise. Forme particulière de l'acupuncture, elle entre dans le cadre des « microsystèmes », qui ont tous en commun l'existence d'une somatotopie, représentation/projection du corps entier sur une zone très réduite de ce dernier, en l'occurrence, le cuir chevelu. Le domaine d'application thérapeutique est très large, incluant de nombreuses formes de douleurs aigues et chroniques, des pathologies neurologiques telles que les névralgies, les paralysies, les suites d'accidents vasculaires cérébraux... La cranioacupuncture de Yamamoto est relativement facile à apprendre, sa mise en œuvre est rapide, et elle donne des résultats souvent étonnants. Pour toutes ces raisons, l'auteur, élève direct du Dr Yamamoto, a pour but de présenter, de la manière la plus pratique possible et à travers une riche iconographie, cette technique acupuncturale.

Global Product Development : Proceedings of the 20th CIRP Design Conference, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, Nantes, France, 19th-21st April 2010
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783642159732 Year: 2011 Publisher: Berlin Heidelberg Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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This book of proceedings is the synthesis of all the papers, including keynotes presented during the 20th CIRP Design conference. The book is structured with respect to several topics, in fact the main topics that serve at structuring the program. For each of them, high quality papers are provided. The main topic of the conference was Global Product Development. This includes technical, organizational, informational, theoretical, environmental, performance evaluation, knowledge management, and collaborative aspects. Special sessions were related to innovation, in particular extraction of knowledge from patents.

Biomphalaria Snails and Larval Trematodes
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781441970282 Year: 2011 Publisher: New York NY Springer New York Imprint Springer

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This book on Biomphalaria Snails and Larval Trematodes  presents up to date information on the interactions of these snails and their trematode parasites, particularly on Schistosoma spp. larvae. Snails of the genus Biomphalaria are of significant medical importance since several species in this genus are obligate intermediate hosts of the human blood fluke S. mansoni, the causative agent of hepatosplenic schistosomiasis. In addition to the impact of Biomphalaria spp. on public health, these snails are also interesting models for the study of other topics such as population biology, including genetics and demography, proteomics, invertebrate immunobiology, mating systems, biogeography, among others. A purpose of this book is to provide an overview of the recent advances in Biomphalaria spp.-larval trematode interactions, especially in Biomphalaria-schistosome systems. Emphasis is placed on gaps in our knowledge that need to be filled to gain a better understanding of the relationships in these host-parasite systems. This may be critical to obtain a better understanding of our knowledge of the transmission of schistosomiasis and other snail-borne parasitic diseases. The book, Biomphalaria Snails and Larval Trematodes  is an ideal volume for researchers and advanced students interested in modern aspects of parasitology , malacology and public health.

A Natural Experiment on Electoral Law Reform : Evaluating the Long Run Consequences of 1990s Electoral Reform in Italy and Japan
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781441972286 Year: 2011 Publisher: New York NY Springer New York Imprint Springer

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In the early 1990s, major electoral reforms took place in both Italy and Japan; each replaced a form of proportional representation  (in which voters cast a ballot for a party list) with a mixed member  system (in which voters cast ballots for individual candidates and party lists). The reforms were enacted by political elites in the context of divisions within the dominant party, changing patterns of party support, and party splits, in efforts to retain power while responding to charges of corruption, clientelism, and lack of accountability. The experiences of both countries provide a laboratory in which to investigate the effects and implications of the reforms, and, more broadly to analyze voter behavior in the context of institutional change. The introduction provides an overview of post-WWII politics and electoral reform in Italy and Japan. In each of the subsequent four chapters, specialists in Italian and Japanese electoral politics are teamed up to review data both before and after the reforms. Within this comparative framework, the authors explore such topics as changes in party competition, candidate selection mechanisms, and intra-party politics. The concluding chapter considers the longer-term consequences both anticipated and unanticipated of the reforms. Despite superficially similar conditions, the effects in the two countries were dramatically different: in Japan, the new system has taken hold, with minor modifications, while in Italy, there was a reversion to a proportional representation system. As the essays in this volume demonstrate, to understand why similar reforms had such different effects in the two countries we must examine how electoral systems are embedded in broader institutional and social arrangements, and consider the complex interplay of political geography, political history, and the rational calculations of political actors.

Un médiateur fédéral consolidé pour le 21e siècle: des réformes nécessaires? = een federale ombudsman voor de 21ste eeuw: verankering door vernieuwing?
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2011 Publisher: Antwerpen Intersentia

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Multi-System Endocrine Disruption
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9783642227752 Year: 2011 Publisher: Berlin Heidelberg Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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Endocrine disruption is an expanding field due to the numerous chemicals involved and, as evidenced more recently, the variety of homeostatic systems that they can alter throughout life. The gathering of experts from all over the world should help to identify health disorders that are possibly or likely related to exposure to endocrine disrupters. The research needs have been discussed as well as recommendations prioritizing target groups and following the precautionary principle.

Pathology and surgery around the vertebral artery
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782287897870 9782287897863 Year: 2011 Publisher: Paris ; London : Springer,

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This is the first comprehensive book about surgery on and around the vertebral artery all along its cervical and intracranial course. This vessel has been considered for long as out of surgical reach leaving many different pathologies not or incompletely treated. The surgical exposure and control of the vertebral artery not only permit to treat lesions of the vertebral artery wall or developed in contact to it but also to improve the access to the intervertebral foramen (tumors, osteophytes), to the anterior aspect of the spinal cord (tumors, spondylotic spurs), to the foramen magnum and to the jugular foramen. This book written by leading experts includes all aspects of vertebral artery surgery from anatomy to imaging, surgical techniques and pathologies; it is illustrated by many figures especially operative views and schematic drawings so that the beginner as well as the experienced surgeon find useful information. One of the editors of this book (B. GEORGE) was recently awarded the Olivecrona award for his work on the surgery of the vertebral artery.

Manifestations dermatologiques des maladies d'organes
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782287720734 9782287720727 Year: 2011 Publisher: Paris : Springer Verlag

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Cet ouvrage est consacré à l'ensemble des manifestations dermatologiques observées au cours des diverses maladies d'organes. Une segmentation des chapitres en fonction du type d'organe atteint a été faite de façon volontairement académique : glandes endocrines (thyroïde, parathyroïdes, surrénales, hypophyse, pancréas endocrine) - section à laquelle a été rattaché le chapitre consacré aux carences nutritionnelles -, appareil digestif (tube digestif, foie et voies biliaires, pancréas), appareil cardiovasculaire et pulmonaire (cœur, poumons, vaisseaux artériels, veineux et lymphatiques), rein et système nerveux central et périphérique. Les chapitres consacrés aux maladies rares d'organes où la présence de signes dermatologiques est pertinente et utile au diagnostic, sont volontairement détaillés et illustrés, afin de faciliter leur mémorisation. L'ouvrage réalisé par un collectif d'auteurs dermatologues et spécialistes est abondamment illustré. Il s'adresse non seulement aux dermatologues, aux médecins internistes, aux spécialistes d'organe mais aussi à l'ensemble des professionnels concernés par la médecine interne.

La cancérologie au quotidien : Médecine et patients alliés face aux cancers
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782817802251 Year: 2011 Publisher: Paris Springer Paris

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À côté des connaissances et techniques spécialisées propres aux oncologues - radiothérapeutes, médicaux ou chirurgiens -, les « rencontres singulières » avec des patients préoccupés, menacés ou atteints par un cancer et leur prise en charge demandent une grande variété de compétences pratiques. Elles sont nécessaires aux praticiens spécialisés en médecine générale ou d'autres disciplines, et à tous les autres professionnels de santé : infirmières, dentistes, kinésithérapeutes, diététiciennes, pharmaciens, travailleurs sociaux, etc. De plus en plus, les patients eux-mêmes et leurs proches sont mis à contribution. C'est à toutes ces personnes, professionnelles ou profanes, que s'adresse cet ouvrage fondé sur la large expérience du premier et d'un des plus grands centres français de lutte contre le cancer. Face à ce fléau, qui représente une maladie « totale », essentiellement organique mais à fort retentissement psychologique et social, cet ouvrage oppose une approche globale, bio-psycho-sociale, centrée sur le patient. Le Pr Bernard Hoerni a été oncologue médical à l'institut Bergonié, Centre régional de lutte contre le cancer de Bordeaux et du Sud-Ouest, dont il a été directeur. Professeur émérite de cancérologie à l'université Victor-Segalen-Bordeaux 2, il a également présidé la Société française du cancer et l'European Association for Cancer Education. Le Pr Pierre Soubeyran est professeur de cancérologie à l'université Victor-Segalen- Bordeaux-2 et oncologue médical à l'institut Bergonié à Bordeaux.

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